Power Automate - Functions

Power Automate Functions: EncodeURIComponent (Make URLs Safe!)

This is a video to show you how to use the encodeUriComponent function within Power Automate (and Logic Apps!). This function allows you to add URL safe characters to return an encoded URL.

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Power Automate - Functions

Power Automate Functions: DecodeURIComponent (Get A Human Readable URL)

This is a video to show you how to use the decodeUriComponent function within Power Automate (and Logic Apps!). This function allows you to remove URL safe characters to return a human-readable URL.

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Power Automate - Functions

Power Automate Functions: URIQuery (Get Query Parameters from a URL)

This is a video to show you how to use the uriQuery function within Power Automate (and Logic Apps!). This function allows you to get the query parameters after the host (and path parameters). You can then, for example, change URL host and path parameters easily between environments while keeping a query structure!

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Power Automate - Functions

Power Automate Functions: URIPath (Change URLs Between Environments)

This is a video to show you how to use the uriPath function within Power Automate (and Logic Apps!). This function allows you to get the path after the host. You can then, for example, change URL hosts easily between environments while keeping a path structure!

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