So you may have seen the term ‘YAML’ around the Power Platform recently, especially if you’re looking at Copilot Studio or Power Apps (2024 release wave 1 plan).
Ever wondered what YAML is? Well, it’s a human-friendly data serialization language that’s being utilized in the Power Platform.
Benefits of using YAML:
– 📄 Readable Format: Easy to understand and write.
– 🎯 Efficient Data Management: Handles complex data effortlessly.
– 🤖 Enhanced Integration: Works seamlessly with modern tools like Power Apps and Copilot Studio.
– 💾 Github: Back your Copilot up in Github using versioning with the YAML for each topic.
Don’t worry, it’s not overly complex, take the time to learn about YAML and its structure so that you can understand it and keep on top of the Power Platform changes!